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After living in places like DC and Portland, she says she was a “little skeptical about how progressive it would be, but was pleasantly surprised” by the city’s liberal values and vibrant gay scene. Margaret Munford, 33, moved to Atlanta in 2016. There is a big separation between the black clubs and the white clubs in Atlanta Iv Fischer Earlier this year, newly elected Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms reaffirmed the city’s commitment to its queer residents by announcing an LGBTQ advisory board to ensure a clear channel of communication between the community and City Hall. Athens, a city in north-east Georgia got 28 the city of Roswell scored just 5. This was in stark contrast to other parts of the state. Atlanta got a perfect score of 100 on HRC’s 2018 Municipal Equality Index, which rates towns and cities on how LGBTQ-inclusive their laws, policies and services are. When it comes to LGBTQ rights, that progress is impressive. 15:59 Gay, black and HIV positive: America's hidden epidemic – video

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